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工作断档会增加你面试的难度,HR 会疑问,为什么你没找到工作就辞职了,这里面有足够宽广的想象空间,足够容纳一部阿凡达。是不是被裁员、是不是被解除劳动合同、是不是得了传染病、是不是太随性了缺乏责任心?

社会招聘时,HR 为了避免招聘风险,会给工作断档的候选人画个小问号,接下来还有别的疑点,会被直接筛掉,因为招聘风险被放大很多,HR 没有足够精力和成本去做背调,还是找个「靠谱」的人省事。


找一份心仪的工作没那么容易,也许 3 个月,或者半年。要不然降低你的预期找个差强人意的工作,要不接着等,希望这段时间希望你不要有太大的经济压力和健康问题。持续一段时间面试却找不到合适的职位,加上缺少必要的社交机会,可能会对自己能力产生怀疑,自我效能感降低,慢慢产生抑郁性情绪,持续下去还会导致一些慢性病影响身体健康。这个不是危言耸听。





虽然请病假面试,最后说离职就离职,刚听到离职信息公司老板或 HR 会感到背叛,但大多数人都这样啊,在统计学上人家是正态分布的中间 95%的人,是正常值,也就是「靠谱」。所以大众不会谴责他,你为什么请假去面试,你太过分了!

Larry Wang王承伦,王李亚洲资源及职商网创始人,微信公众号:wangliyazhou




1. 什么时候裸辞是合理的




2. 考虑自身应对未知的能力







No, it’s not necessary. However, most people prefer remaining in their current job while searching for their next job. While doing a job search while working full-time is more difficult to do and slows down your ability to move on sooner, it’s less risky and less stressful, overall.

When quitting your job first makes sense

While I don't necessarily recommend leaving your current job first when looking for a new opportunity, I’ve seen this approach work out for many people who have taken the plunge to do this. Those who successfully take this approach generally fall into two categories.

1) Those who are taking a fairly safe, calculated risk - These people have usually conducted initial research to identify potential positions and speak with others working in the companies they’re targeting. During this time, they’re able to assess the job market and their chance for finding a good position. They conclude that good opportunities are available to them and identifying and capturing one is mainly a matter of time, once they’re able to put a concentrated effort into their job search. They usually have one or more good job leads in progress that mainly need more time to be developed.

2) Those who are just totally committed to the idea of making a job change - These people no longer see any benefit or advantages to staying where they are, so moving on to another company is their clear objective. As a result, they don’t feel that there’s such a big risk or sacrifice in leaving their current company. They take a long-term view of their career and see each day in their current situation as another day they could be developing their career in a much more beneficial situation elsewhere.

Consider your ability to deal with uncertainty

For most people who are used to working and receiving a regular salary, being between jobs can be a big psychological and financial strain. And not everyone’s situation or personality is suited for such a bold move. As a result, you have to weigh your own personal situation, capabilities, and career objectives. While there are no guarantees, with the right preparation and approach, such a move to quit your job first to look for a new opportunity can work out well.

1)It’s no big deal

Regarding how potential employers will view someone who has already left their previous company or who is between jobs, they don’t really care as long as you have a reasonable explanation. They don’t have to be elaborate excuses or reasons. Your desire to concentrate full-time on your job search, not want to disrespect your previous employer by using company time to look for your next opportunity, or even take some personal time off are all considered reasonable explanations to most employers. So don’t overthink what they may think.

2But don’t let employers feel this is your habit

Finally, regarding taking a job with a company until a more ideal opportunity appears, sure, you can approach things this way. In reality, the timing of opportunities that may ultimately be more suitable for you is somewhat random. And you can’t afford to wait around indefinitely. So it’s not unusual that you may take a new job opportunity, but continue looking for an even better one.

Just be careful that you don’t come across to future employers as someone who accepts job offers without a very high level of commitment. If an employer senses that you’re in the habit of joining and leaving companies whenever something better comes along, they’ll question whether you’re also going to do the same with them. Good employer, especially, don’t likes candidates who only have a one-sided or casual view of their employment situation. The worst kind of job hopper is someone who uses a company’s employment situation, goodwill and opportunity while giving little back in return.

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